Vacation Rental Management Software

3 Basics to Make Your Vacation Rental Listing Standout

How can you get more people not only to click on your listing and check your property but also to book it? Check out these 3 easy steps.

Let’s be real: the vacation rental industry is highly competitive and extremely diverse. When looking for vacation accommodation options, travelers can find anything they might want, from couches in Milwaukee to mansions in Texas. So, how can you make your vacation rental stand out from the crowd? How can you get more people not only to click on your listing and check your property but also to book it?

If you’re asking these questions while other vacation rental owners who have similar properties to yours and are located in a similar or even the same neighborhood seem to be getting a lot more bookings, here are three simple things you can do to attract more guests. 

1) Improve Your Vacation Rental’s Image and Description

This may seem like a no-brainer, but the first impression about your property is determined by the images and videos you post on different vacation rental websites. While anyone can describe a vacation rental property as beautiful and unique, only the photos or videos can actually validate the claims in the listing.

To make your vacation rental more attractive to potential guests, make sure it looks clean and tidy and the rooms are well-lit before taking any photos. As well, try to take photos from spots that offer the best perspective of the space. Whatever outdoor features you have, whether it’s a beautiful garden, a swimming pool, or anything else, make sure they’re also photographed in the best light. Additionally, it wouldn’t hurt to check a few decorating ideas that you could use to upgrade your rental, make your listing stand out, and convince more people to click the “Book Now” button. 

Along with captivating photos, virtual tours allow your guests to really see if this property is right for them. This way, there are no surprises, and you don’t risk getting negative feedback or negative reviews. 

When it comes to your property description, one important thing to remember is that professionally written descriptions usually have a huge impact on booking performance. Many experts recommend creating a clear, detailed, and accurate description that responds in advance to potential questions and doubts.

2) Be Responsive to Guests

Nowadays, many vacation rental listing websites display a “quality score,” which includes a “response rate” and “response time” that indicate your responsiveness to potential guests. Maintaining a high “response rate” and “response time” could help you improve your “quality score” and attract more guests.

Another reason why your responsiveness is important is that most travelers are ready to book a rental property immediately. Thus, responding quickly to any questions that a potential guest may have about your vacation rental gives you the advantage of having your property booked right away. To keep it simple: the faster you respond to inquiries, the more bookings you’re likely to get! Responding quickly also instills a sense of reliability and trust between you and your guests.

Because most guests will appreciate receiving fast responses throughout their stay, make sure that you continue providing prompt responses even after a guest books your property. Although a hiccup in their experience may ruin it, your prompt replies and desire to fix any problem as quickly as possible can turn the whole thing around to your advantage.

3) It’s the Little Things That Count for Guests

Undeniably, a high-quality and detailed listing with some great photos and a virtual tour can go a long way toward increasing your vacation rental bookings and bringing in more revenue. On the other hand, finding new ways to meet and exceed guest expectations can help you create some enjoyable and memorable experiences that will persuade your guests to come back again and again. For example, water bottles in the fridge, a coffee maker and high-quality coffee, luxury towels and linens, a candle on the table, flowers in a vase, and chocolates on pillows are a few little things that can make all the difference. That’s because these things can make your guests feel that their stay is important and that you, their host, want to make sure they feel comfortable.

Do you know any other ways to make rental listings pop? If yes, let us know in the comments below! Also, if you’re looking for a surefire way to boost your bookings and increase your earnings, consider opting for a simple-to-use lodging management system. By using such a system, you’ll be able to manage your entire lodging business in one place and also create and publish property listings on different third-party booking websites from one central location. To learn more about a complete lodging management software solution that will serve you best based on your portfolio size and financial goals, feel free to get in touch with our professionals today.

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